Tag Archives: Woodrow Wilson

#11: February 19, 1942 — “THE PRESIDENT HATH POWER”

The President has NO LEGAL power to enter into devious and secret agreements with foreign powers.  He has no legal power to cook up policies with the late Johnnie Buchan and sign the nation’s name on the document.

United States Treaties are valid when ratified by the Senate and not before.  The President has no legal power to enter into condominiums with foreign governments, for the misconduct of scandalous islands off the China coast or in proximity to distant oriental, or any other damn harbors.

The President has no more legal right to do these infamies than you have to sign my name on a cheque, or I yours.

There is no darkness save ignorance.

The labile, that is to say slidy and weak memory of past events is no asset to a nation or statesman.  Looking back to an unsavory part of our American past we find it more savory than the present.  Whether Roosevelt has mental stamina enough left to learn anything from his nasty forerunner and foreslider, Woodrow the codface: I know not.  But men of mental capacity above that of a wart hog ought to be able to look back as far as 1914 and 1919.  Woodrow resisted clamor to get us into that war.  When he came in, he was in accord with the will of the people, a will which he had not faked or concocted.  The Allies won that war, and then cheated Italy.  It was an error.  The cheating of Italy was an error, and Lloyd George ought to know it by now.  The cheating of Italy was an error.

When Wilson further signed or tried to sign the United States name to a rascally agreement, he was NOT expressing the will of the nation.  He had already wormed and wriggled out of the proper functions of his office.  He had already wormed and wriggled, KNOWING that he opposed the will of the people.

There is a limit or orbit to power.  There is a limit or orbit to the practical effects of illegality.  The error of old codface, sorefoot, was his own.  But he was abetted.  In fact he was buttered, caressed, inoculated, and led down the garden path, by his accomplices.  They were warned and even had they not been warned it was their duty to ascertain what Woodrow’s real powers were.  The position of the Warburgs and Lloyd George at Versailles was that of crooks who accept a forged cheque in the hope of passing it on to some one else.

The dirt and grease of the Versailles scoundrels, Jews, sub-Jews and Gentiles alike, was that having concocted Wilson, having passed him off on their brutalized and stupefied peoples as the United States of America, they proceeded to offer his forged cheque to their people.

The League stank from the beginning.  It stank of the Bank of Basel, the Warburgs, the Regents of the Banque de France and the ulcer of England.  Not all Roosevelt’s actions are infamous.  As there is no criticism of music till you can judge the relative merits of different works by the same com poser, so there is no political or ethical criticism till you can measure and judge the different political acts of the same political criminal, gangster, or statesman.

When the President acts within his powers, he has NO NEED to do violence to the laws.  His powers are executive, that is, he is legally there to PUT INTO effect the will of the nation and the laws made by the representatives of the People.  When he violates and passes beyond his legal powers, he acts TOWARD the destruction of ALL legal government of the United States of America, all government by law and by the laws.

I mean by ANY law, he moves toward a total illegality.  This is evil, this is extremely dangerous in the long run, it is myopic, it is short-sighted.  In fact, the man is an ass.  No good American objects to the U.S.A. assuring the tranquility of the Caribbean.

There is no need to violate the mandate of the people in making QUITE sure that there be no submarine bases, poison factories, etc. immediately off the coast of Florida or in easy reach of Georgia, Alabama, and the mouth of the Mississippi.  There are even ways [for] America [to] occupy foreign territory after at least attempting to do it legally.

One can offer to buy, even if one thinks one will have to take over, and make reparations later.  I do not think Congress would have objected to the taking over of ALL Guiana, not merely the gotterdamn Dutch part.  When a politician’s WHOLE policy has been indirect, when his whole political strategy has consisted in indirectness, in the carom shot (not the straight shot), it is unwise to accept any act of his at its face value.

If Roosevelt’s aim had been Dutch Guiana, he would probably have turned public attention elsewhere.  It is reasonable to assume, on the basis of Roosevelt’s public career since the end of his second year in the White House, that his aim in this case was NOT Dutch Guiana.

It is legitimate at least to suspect that his MAIN purpose was to grab yet more ILLEGAL power, to put a hot one over such fools as Senator Pepper and the other fools in the Senate and Congress.  Like balloon-faced bumbustuous Churchill, Roosevelt follows every error by a demand for more personal power.

We should be very careful in arriving at [a] judgment of his Caribbean policy.  It may be another mere grab.  His interest in international politics is considerable.  His hate and loathing of legitimate action, of reasoned action, is extreme.  His intolerance of all real collaboration either is, or ought to be known to men who share the responsibility for the governing of the United States of America.  I should desire an open mind in considering the Caribbean policy, which is O.K. insofar as it aims at peace and security.  The question of how far Brazil should agree [with] our IDEAS of peace and security is a hemisphere question.  All this is a matter of the American hemisphere.  And as I said in opening, we will have no criticism of our own politics, no criticism of it worth the name, till we can judge between one act of our blowy rhinoceros and another.  The policy for the western hemisphere is one thing, Asian affairs are another.

England’s conduct in China has been for the most part an infamy.  Let some bloody-minded betrayer of the British people get up in their grimy assembly and tell the world of their kind acts in the Orient.  From the sacking of the Imperial Palace in Peking to the Jewsoons’, Sassoons’ century of infamy and of opium with Robert Cecil their advocate.  That is their dirt, why make it ours ?  In any case secret agreements between an usurious nature faker whether in or out of the White House are ILLEGAL.  And a foreign government which presents these secret pledges to ITS people as acts of the United States of America participates (and naturally HAS participated) in the swindle.  We should leave this trash to its own people, human— —. If this people hasn’t the manhood and sense to spew out their Churchills, Baidwins, Buchans, and lesser vermin, that is their own affair, and they will presumably pay the penalty for their own flaccidity and mistaken toler ance.  They will slang us for THEIR errors all right.  But that any sub-Jew in the White House should send American lads to die for their Jewsoons and Sassoons and the private interest of the skum of the English earth, and the still lower dregs of the Parsee and Levantine importations is an outrage: and that ends it.  To send boys from Omaha to Singapore to die for British monopoly and brutality is not the act of an American patriot.

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#5: December 7, 1941 — “THOSE PARENTHESES”

Europe callin’, Pound speakin’.  Ezry Pound speakin’.  And I think I am perhaps still speakin’ a bit more TO England than to the United States of America but you folks may as well hear it.  They say an Englishman’s head’s made of wood, and the American head made of watermelon.  Easier to git something INTO the American head, but nigh impossible to make it stick there for ten minutes.

Of course I don’t know what GOOD I am doin’, I mean what IMME DIATE good.  But something you folks on both side of the wretched ocean will have to learn, war or no war, sooner or later.

Now what I had to say about the state of MIND in England in 1919, I said in my Cantos (14 and 15).  Some of your theosophists and fancy thinkers would have called it the spiritual state of England.  I am content to say state of mind.

I can’t say my remarks were heeded.  I thought I had got ’em simple enough.  Words short and simple enough.  In fact some people complained that several of ’em contained no more than 4 or 5 letters (some less).

Now I hold NO Catholic has ever been or ever will be puzzled by what I said in those Cantos.  I have, however, never asked for sympathy when misunderstood.  I go on trying to make my meanin’ clear and then clearer.  And in the LONG run people who listen to me (very few do, but members of that small and SElect minority) do know more in the long run, than those who listen to Mr. H.G. chubby Wells and the liberal stooges.

What I am gitting at is, a friend said to me the other day that he was glad I had the politics I have got, but that HE didn’t understand how I, as a North American, United Stateser could have it.

Well that looks simple to me.  Things OFTEN DO look simple to me.  On the CONfucian system that if you start right, and then go on, start at the root and move upward, the pattern often is simple, whereas if you start constructin’ from the twig downward, you get into a muddle.

My politics seem to me SIMPLE.  My idea of a state OR an empire is more like a hedge hog or porcupine, chunky and well defended.  I don’t cotton to the idea of my country being an octopus WEAK in the tentacles and sufferin’ from stomach ulcers and chronic gastritis.

I wish Brother Hoover had spilled his facts about the stinking and rotten Treaty of Versailles while he was still in the White House.  But I am glad he has done so now.  Tho’ he could also confess his OWN errors and aid even now to acceleratin’ the United States of America welfare.

Anyhow, I have, in principle, NO objection to the U.S. absorbin’ Canada and the whole NORTH American continent.

The rot of the British Empire is from inside, and if the whole of that syphilitic organization, headed by Montagu Skinner Norman, makes war on Canada, or Alberta, I see no reason for Canada not making war on the Jews in London.  Whether they are born Jews, or have taken to Jewry by predilection.

What I am ready to fight AGAINST is havin’ ex-European Jews making another peace worse than Versailles, with a new two dozen Danzigs.  Namely the United States bein’ left with war baby bases in Aberdeen, Singapore, Dakar, South Africa, and the Indian Ocean! All draggin’ the tail of their coat, and making dead mathematically sure of another war for Dupont, Vickers, Mond, Melchett, Beit, Ellermann in ten or fifteen years after the present one (present war).  And to that end Roosevelt, Morgenthau, Lehman are working, day and night, not to mention the Warburgs.  And precisely on the subject of Warburgs, I wish Herb Hoover would say MORE about the stink of Versailles.

God knows I have loathed Woodie Wilson, and I don’t want to see more evil done to humanity than was done by Woodrow codface.  And the sooner all America and ALL England wake up to what the Warburgs and Roosevelt are up to, the better for the next generation and this one.

And as an American I do NOT want to see my country annihilatin’ the population of Iceland, as the British annihilated the Maoris.  And as for the Australians, they deserve a Nippo-Chinese invasion.  Criminals were their granddads, and their contribution to civilization is not such as to merit even a Jewish medal.  Why the heck the Chinese and laps don’t combine and drive that dirt out of Australia, and set up a bit of civilization in those parts, is for me part of the mystery of the orient.

And in any case I do NOT want my compatriots from the ages of 20 to 40 to go git slaughtered to keep up the Sassoon and other British Jew rackets in Singapore and in Shanghai.  That is not my idea of American patriotism.  We are gittin’ on for the centenary of the opium war, that never did any good to the lads of Lancashire or of Sussex, and that brought no prosperity in Dorset or Gloucester.

Hardy’s England, aye, aye sir, where is it ?  Did Rothschild save it ?  He did not.  Did the Goldsmid save it ?  He did not.  Does Churchill endeavor to save it ?  He does NOT.  I repeat the rot and stink of England, and the danger to her empire is inside, and has been: from the time of Cobbett.

And NO number of Rabbis and bank touts in Wall Street and in Washington can do one damn thing for England, save let her alone.  And a damn pity they didn’t start doin’ sooner.  That is a pity for England.

And a peace with American war bases all over the whole of the planet would be no more a real peace than Versailles was.  And as to all visible signs Roosevelt is MORE in the Jew’s hands than Wilson was in 1919.  I am against havin’ him mixin’ into ANY post-war matters whatever.  This objectin’ being academic.

An’ I think it would be well for ALL men, from China to Capetown to SEE as soon as possible what Franklin is up to.  Let him keep his paws on the North American continent.  Even if it means DIMinished gun sales for all his pals, and for all gold-bugs.

Eight years ago he was sayin’ “nothin to fear but fear.” Well what has become of THAT Roosevelt ?  What has he done for three years but try to work up a hysteria on that basis ?  He got his face into a paper called Life, eight or ten photographs.  Jim Farley would have been less nuisance in the White House than snob Delano, who objected to Farley NOT on moral or ethical grounds, but PURELY as snobism; didn’t want a mere henchman to succeed him.

And as to American labor.  When will American labor start lookin’ into the currency question ?  “Question,” of course there ought not to be any INTERROGATIVE element in it.  Even a hod carrier OUGHT to be able to learn why interest payin’ debt is NOT so good a basis for money as is productive labor.

But will they ?  Will the American hod carrier and skilled engineer (includin’ Mr. Hoover) ever git round to the currency issue ?  (I call it issue, not question.)

And will the American big employer or financier, except Baruch, ever start studyin’ the solution of HIS problem, which is a corporate solution, in the sense of that word now current in Europe ?

A CORPORATE problem, or issue, which does NOT mean starving the workman, or breakin’ him up by scab mobs.

Lord knows I don’t SEE how America can have fascism without years of previous trainin’.  Looks to me, even now as if the currency problem was the place to start savin’ America.  As I have been sayin’ for some time back, call it ten years or call it twenty.  At this moment it looks like as if John Lewis would take just as long to git round about feedin’ my books to his troops, as it would take the Harvard faculty to git Mr. William G. Morse’s permission to use ’em in Harvard (Economics Department).

Both sides will have to come to it.

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