Tag Archives: fascism

#14: March 6, 1942 — “WHY PICK ON THE JEW?”

Well, why pick on the Jew ?  I have heard the term “Jewish impertinence,” in fact Gaudier-Brzeska used to use it.  But I think it was a fellow named Brooks, along in January, had got ’em beat, and the name ain’t Hebrew and I don’t reckon he is even a crypto.  At any rate some murking broadcaster tellin’ the world or the Italian residents in the United States that America loves Italy and only got a grudge against the regime.  Waaal, as Franklin Delano was recently cursing out the Italian for what they did in 1911, before the word fascist existed, he certainly has got NO alibi, no alibi whatsoever.  Now all the United States did to show how it loved Italy was to lie like billy Oh for 20 years, and try to starve Italy into submission: tariff wall, refusal of Italian goods, refusal of emigrants.  What way is that to show love ?

DOUBTless somebody who wants 30 years sweat show now wants Italian workin’ men in the United States to go work—OVERTIME.  Well Charlie Marx had a word for it.  That part of Marx is sound, and if bygones are gone by, and IF the Americans love the Eyetalians, there is a way to show it.  Why not have a little open communication ?  Why not print the Charter of Labor ?  Why not study how far the Italian law code, the new law code, being published under Mussolini’s regime IMPROVES on the old ones ?  How many of you have heard of the Charter of Labor ?  How many of you have stopped to think whether trade unions ought to have legal status ?  And the RESPONSIBILITY that goes with such status ?  If you are going [toward] fascism or nazism why not do it with open EYE, why not learn what these systems of government are ?  Why not ask and learn how far they are compatible with American habits, [what] is good in ’em, and wherein their strength consists, INSTEAD of merely lying and cussing and trying to kill ’em on the assumption (if you can call it by so mild a term) that they are something they ain’t ?

Conditions in German factories ?  How do they compare ?  I have seen some dirty lying in my time.  I can’t hold an inquest on every separate lie, but I have seen something, I have heard something, and then I have seen the American reports of ’em.

I have noticed DIScrepancies.  I have heard the statement, I mean I HEARD it while it was being said.  I heard Mussolini say “WE need years of peace to get on with our internal affairs.” And I have seen it reported next day as a war speech.  Twenty years of that sort of thing do not show LOVE of Italy.  Not on the part of the reporters or news owners.  In fact Mr. Brooks, if it was Brooks, is showing a new love, store label not yet taken off.

Also Mussolini talking about the fight to grow enough wheat to feed Italy as being the kind of fight he prefers.  Well, that was the effort that brought out American hostility all right enough.

Will you lay off it ?  And if so, when so ?  And while you are thinking, if so, on laying off, there is something else to lay off of ?  Namely, a system of lending money to foreign nations in order to have a war every 19 years.

That system I suggest you look into.  Your British Allies were scared that a few rackets were bustin’.  They started a war to uphold a state of things that just were NOT UPHOLDABLE.  Instead of admitting that they would have to change it, they started a war singing the International and running up the cross, sickle, and hammer.  Do your Allies BELIEVE in communal ownership ?  They do not.  Do the Chinamen believe in dud cars sent over to Singapore, on not very favorable conditions, and on not very explicit statements as to who gets commissions (several commissions) ?  I doubt it.

Very nice to hear, I mean you are mebbe comforted to HEAR that you got 100 million Chinese soldiers all ready to die for democracy.  I mean if you are a democracy.  But you ain’t got ’em.  Well, why lean on what ain’t thaar ?

There are plenty of people right here in Europe whose views on many subjects do not coincide with my own, but we have, most of us, some points of agreement.  Nan King, Manchu Kuo, both of them on the map of old Asia and on the map of New Asia.  And TWO points that I would, mebbe three points, like to get into your binnacles.  ONE that America COULD have stayed out of this war.  Two, that IF America had stayed neutral the war would now be over and America might have had a hand in composing the differences; might not have so many hush hush agreements to buy; purchase, absorb such a lot of South American stuff we don’t need and can’t use, cornering the market as usual, but mebbe not on stuff other folks want to buy.  Well, exchange is said to be a fountain of wealth.

Europe is fighting for something that is not merely material, But even so, a sane and natural exchange of products between them that have ’em, places that grow ’em, and places where they don’t grow or don’t grow so easy is certainly a factor in a plan for permanent ease and peace.  Of course if you are going to work 18 or 20 hours a day from now till the day after doomsday to buy all the world’s gold and silver, to content Uncle Henry A. Wallace, that may be a question of taste (mighty queer taste) on your part.

Mebbe Henry has erred (not the first time), mebbe he was kite flying to see how much hook, line, and sinker the American people would swallow.  ’Tain’t going to do Brazil any good if the whole of Europe goes back to drinking java and mocha coffee.  And that ain’t half of the story.

Cutting your nose off to spite your face is a very old saying.

Black lists are nothing new in world history.  [FCC transcript: Hitherto there have been signs of weakness and waning— —, not signs of rising power.  I mean— —and following the regime had imposed them.  Not strong, confident powers.

And then, the— —of some of your allies.  In fact, why did you take up with those gangs ?  Two gangs.  Jews’ gang in London, and Jew murderous gang over in Moscow ?  Do you like Mr. Litvinov ?  Is that face— —of our Colonial architecture ?  Do the people from Delaware and Virginia and Connecticut and Massachusetts ?  Do the people who live in painted, neat white houses, with their little sign for the delivery box, erected in 1790, built in 1815, and do these folks really approve that Mr. Litvinov and his gang, and all that he stands for ?  Is he the implication of something that Mr. Jefferson liked best ?  Or— —the— —of Boston and that the first white settlers of Massachusetts belong to a race now extinct ?

Well, I hope before the Lord we ain’t going to be replaced by a race of Litvinovs.  The South got— —and desolated in the Civil War, or— —to the city of New York, to bankers in New York City and in London, (debts) conducive of slaughter, slaughter conducive to debt, as intended, and some day you may start asking, I hope so, I hope to God you will start asking some day.

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#12: February 26, 1942 — “AMERICA WAS INTENTIONS”

The Honor of the United States of America is NOT concerned with becoming an arsenal.

The men who wintered at Valley Forge did not suffer those months of intense cold and hunger with the design, or in the hope that Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Virginia, the union of the colonies would one day be able to stir up wars between other countries in order to sell them munitions.

I don’t want, the last thing I want, is that any harm should come to Uncle Sam’s Army and Navy.  The Navy is, some, of it, gone where I can’t much help it.  The Army can get on all right if it stays where it ought to be, namely on the North American continent.

I certainly do NOT want American’s young blood shed in an assinine attempt to wreck all European civilization.  I don’t want it Dunkirked, and I would like for Mr. C. Gessler to go on getting his bath at Waikiki, if it ain’t too late to mention the subject.  I have heard said that Aguinaldo had and has as good a right to the Island of Luzon as George Washington had to Virginia.  I am not a Philippine specialist.  I have read on fair authority, namely on that of at least one participant, that the British troops after the last war were about fed up with some features of English government.

Dunkirk is one way to keep troops from showing their feelings.  Whether American air destroys the memory, I am not prepared to state.  John Devey kept his till ripe old age; and I am reminded of his quotation from Burke on the penal laws, “an elaborate contrivance as well fitted for the expression, impoverishment and degradation of a people, and the debasement in them of human nature itself as ever preceded from the perverted ingenuity of man.”

Well, as Prattling Nelson is telling you, you haven’t seen anything YET.  And it has been forgotten that the 18 years of Irish Parliament, 1782–1800, followed close on our American revolution, preceding the French [of] 89.  That is, if it isn’t rank pretense that any non-Irish American knows it, save by odd chance.

For indeed is there much analogy in it for North America ?  There is for South American countries.  Our South American policy hasn’t yet got as far as the Times.  A Celt will soon be as rare in Ireland as a Red Indian on the shores of Manhattan.

Perhaps it would be unwise to see too deep for analogies.  Palmerston, Lord John Russell and the Times, intending their utterance to apply only to the Pope and the King of Naples, had been advocating the right of every people to choose their own rulers.  By that allusion, I mean short, that they had a word for it before the Atlantic Conference.

What am I getting at with all this which what, what which ?  Well, the moral behind any reference to John Devey is that Oireland kept hold of something.  Call it the soul of the Irish nation.  Kept hold of it thru 700 years of oppression, bloody oppression, not tea party conversation.

And the Americans, the U.S’ers, have started a fine government in 1776.  Couldn’t keep it a century and have now plum forgotten it ever existed.

It is to be supposed that you are all running round hot and bothered, like headless chickens, no man understanding another.  And the pathological brainstorm in the White House after years of robbing the country dipping into the Treasury, years of frothing at the mouth about Mussolini and Hitler, in mid January comes out with a discourse and EVERY single item in it that has a trace of sanity is IMITATED from Mussolini or Hitler.

After 20 years [of] judaic propaganda Lenin Trotsky stuff crowding American history out of the schools, wild inferiority hate against Europe, here old Delano comes out with a mixed bag, in which two thirds of the program is fascist.  With, of course, the essential parts missing.

Well now what causes this ?  Twenty years late, just 20 years late as Amerikanishly usual.  The same old American time lag, leading the world from the back seat as usual.

Amid all which flurry there is much that I am sure of.

This war is part of a process that has been going on for some time.  And Roosevelt never lied with mere typically Rooseveltian fluency than when he bleated out his sick blah about wanting to keep YOU (that is you, the American people, and your children and your grandchildren) out of war.

A clean man would have been content to keep peace in his own time and trust his children to follow example.  By continued bosh about Europe, which his mental and ethical level is much too low to reach he tipped you into war with the Jew Asia and you are most of you his accomplices

Nevertheless I am convinced of at least one thing.  The present war should NOT be allowed to degenerate into a 30 years or even ten years beano for Knudson and the other sustainers of speed-ups and sweating, chain table.

Work ’em up in six years, was the old Jamaica slave owners system.  Do the young men, and only young men can stand it, last SIX years at the Knudson band assembly systems ?  Jews paid by Schiff in New York got hold of Russia and turned the whole land into a sweat shop.  Watch your step, brother, it CAN happen to you.

Nothing here about winning the war or not winning it.  Wars are not won by sweat shops alone.  They are not won by profiteers ONLY.  I mean the profiteers win PROFITS, but they do NOT win wars.  They start war, but they do not start them in order that any particular nation shall win them.

You can swipe all South America and end up ruined.  You can end up with your farms ALL ruined by South American competition INSIDE a customs ring.  Dumping of cheaper products is not stopped by mere LACK of customs wall.

If there are any New Englanders, if there are any Americans who have BEEN American for three centuries, or two centuries, or one century, any whose forebears constructed the nation, it is time for ’em to get together and think.  It is time for them to break the spell of the Knudson and Stimson slop.

Army [regulations] make it unethical to assert that a plane can not be in two places at once.  That is the Knox, Stimson, Roosevelt coherence.  Possibly new arms manuals will be issued.  It seems unlikely that Stimson will bring luck to an army.  Military honor has existed.  Stimson is unaware of ANY such component in the life of an army.  I don’t think Henry is a very good bet.

I refer to his absolute and TOTAL lack of any sense of honor whatsoever, let alone the fine honor that has in the past inhered in the concept of the solider and officer.  Three generations of c[h]anting parsons are back of that fishface.  As to Knox, well your worst enemies hope you will keep him.  A child of four [?].  I am making these rather gross allusions with a purpose.  That is the faint wavering hope that something will wake you.  That some phrase will penetrate the hypnotic or dope trance.  These two men were distinctly NOT chosen by the people.  No member of the Democratic Party would do particular dirts.  Some [of] these decrepit hacks are chosen as instrument.

That is O.K. from one point of view, point of view of tyranny.  The over lord or autocrat must be served.  If his own party will NOT follow him into certain messes, he must go outside his own party.

Why not lay a wreath on the grave of the elective system ?

“Here lies John Jones, he is not dead but sleepeth.” Or here lies democracy.

By God if I was dead, I think I’d admit it.

The question is, if two or three sane men, in the bog of Rooseveltian fuddlement can ANYwhere meet and cohere, and clarify their mental perceptions, they should or could, could or should, begin to wonder WHERE the country is coming OUT, “coming out AT” is, I believe, the phrase current.

Are you headed for a CHEAP, ten cent kike, Blumstein, Blumenstein, Zukor, tawdry imitation of nazism, or say for the moment, of fascism ?  VOID of all vital content.  And if you mean to imitate it, are you going to emulate, or to vie ?  Are you going to try to have as GOOD a brand of the corporate State as is now provided in Europe ?  If not, why not ?

You have the least desirable member of the teempin [?] North American population now at the head of it.

The people have been lied to, betrayed, hog swoggled, and you can’t just rub all that out.  The question is WHAT of tomorrow morning ?  Where do you go from HERE ?

Thirty years intensive production of synthetic products in order to attack the Japanese colony of Australia in 1947 ?  or 1971 ?  AND IN THE INTERIM, what of your INTERNAL government ?

Any syndical organization ?  Or just Russian mess and chaos, just Soviets run by the Warburgs ?

IS there ANY American consciousness, as distinct from Fortune, and New Yorker hysteria, with fatty what’s-his-name Woollcott weeping into the megaphones ?  Or the lowest common denominator Mr. Swing whining into the atmosphere that the Americans are humiliated.  There must, damn it, there must be traces of the American RACE left somewhere on the American continent.  The race that set up the United States government.

Have they lost all sense of coherence ?  Is American lucidity dead ?

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#9: February 12, 1942 — “CANTO 46”

I am readin’ you now another Canto for diverse reasons.  It contains things or at least hints at things that you will have to know sooner or later.  Berle or no Berle, war or no war.

And as I stated last time, I am feedin’ you the footnotes first in case there is any possible word that might not be easily comprehended.  The Decennio, and decennio exposition was the exhibition in Rome at the end of the first ten years of the Fascist regime.  Mussolini’s fascist regime.  They set up the office of the old Popolo d’Italia, very like what had been the New Age Office in London.  Except that Orage’s office contained a couple of drawings by Max Beerbohm which have never been published.

John Marmaduke is a pseudonym, the rest of the names in the Canto are real.  The MacMillan Commission sat after the other war to look into the sins of the British Financial system.

Antoninus Pius, a Roman emperor; lex Rhodi the law of Rhodes, well I say that in the Canto.  The Latin phrase: Aurum est commune sepulchrum, “gold the common sepulchre.”  Parallels: Troy the common grave, I think it is a part of a line by Propertius.  But it don’t matter who it is quoted from.  And the Greek: helandros, kai heleptolis kai helarxe, “usury destroyer of men and cities and governments.”  HELARXE more or less twisted from a line of Aeschylus; about Helen of Troy destroyer of men, and cities.  Geryon, Geryone; allegorical beast in Dante’s hell, symbol of fraud and all dirtiness.  Hic Geryon est, is a Latin tag meaning, “with the other phrase,” Hic hyperu sura: this is “extra strong usury.”  Super usury.  All right, now I am going on with Canto 46.

And if you will say that this tale teaches …
a lesson, or that the Reverend Eliot
has found a more natural language … you who think
you will
get through hell in a hurry …
That day there was cloud over Zoagli
And for three days snow cloud over the sea
Banked like a line of mountains.
Snow fell. Or rain fell stolid, a wall of lines
So that you could see where the air stopped open
and where the rain fell beside it
Or the snow fell beside it. Seventeen
Years on this case, nineteen years, ninety years
on this case
An’ the fuzzy bloke sez (legs no pants ever wd. fit) ’IF
that is so, any government worth a damn can
pay dividends?’
The major chewed it a bit and sez: ’Y—es, eh …
You mean instead of collectin’ taxes?’ ’
Instead of collecting taxes.’ That office?
Didja see the Decennio?
Decennio exposition, reconstructed office of II Popolo,
Waal, ours waz like that, minus the Mills bomb an’ the teapot,
heavy lipped chap at the desk,
One half green eye and one brown one, nineteen
Years on this case, CRIME
Ov two CENturies, 5 millions bein’ killed off
to 1919, and before that
Debts of the South to New York, that is to the
banks of the city, two hundred million,
war, I don’t think (or have it your own way …)
about slavery?
Five million being killed off… couple of Max’s drawings,
one of Balfour and a camel, an’
one w’ich fer oBviOus reasons haz
never been published, ole Johnny Bull with a ’ankerchief.
It has never been published..
’He ain’t got an opinion.’
Sez Orage about G.B.S. sez Orage about Mr. Xtertn.
Sez Orage about Mr. Wells, ’he wont HAVE an opinion
trouble iz that you mean it, you never will be a journalist.
19 years on this case, suburban garden,
’Greeks!’ sez John Marmaduke ’a couple of art tricks!
What else? never could set up a NATION!’
Wouldn’t convert me, dwn’t HAVE me converted,
’Said “I know I didn’t ask you, your father sent you here
“to be trained. I know what I’d feel.
“send my son to England and have him come back a christian!
“what wd. I feel?” ’Suburban garden
Said Abdul Baha: “I said ’let us speak of religion.’
“Camel driver said: I must milk my camel.
“So when he had milked his camel I said ’let us speak of religion.’
And the camel driver said: It is time to drink milk.
Will you have some?’ For politeness I tried to join him.
Have you ever tasted milk from a camel?
I was unable to drink camel’s milk. I have never been able.
So he drank all of the milk, and I said: let us speak of religion.
’I have drunk my milk. I must dance.’ said the driver.
We did not speak of religion.” Thus Abdul Baha
Third vice-gerent of the First Abdul or Whatever Baha,
the Sage, the Uniter, the founder of a religion,
in a garden at Uberton, Gubberton, or mebbe it was some
other damned suburb, but at any rate a suburban suburb
amid a flutter of teacups, said Mr Marmaduke:
“Never will understand us. They lie. I mean personally
“They are mendacious, but if the tribe gets together
“the tribal word will be kept, hence perpetual misunderstanding.
“Englishman goes there, lives honest, word is reliable,
“ten years, they believe him, then he signs terms for his
“and naturally, the treaty is broken, Mohammedans,
“Nomads, will never understand how we do this.”
17 years on this case, and we not the first lot!
Said Paterson:
Hath benefit of interest on all
the moneys which it, the bank, creates out of nothing
Semi-private inducement Said
Mr Roth-schild, hell knows which Roth-schild
1861, ’64 or there sometime, “very few people
“will understand this. Those who do will be occupied
“getting profits. The general public will probably not
“see it’s against their interest.”
Seventeen years on the case; here
Gents, is/are the confession.
“Can we take this into court?
’Will any jury convict on this evidence?
1694 anno domini, on through the ages of usury
On, right on, into hair-cloth, right on into rotten building,
Right on into London houses, ground rents, foetid brick work,
Will any jury convict ’um? The Foundation of Regius Professors
Was made to spread lies and teach Whiggery, will any
JURY convict ’um?
The Macmillan Commission about two hundred and forty years
with great difficulty got back to Paterson’s
The bank makes it ex nihil
Denied by five thousand professors, will any
Jury convict ’um? This case, and with it
the first part, draws to a conclusion,
of the first phase of this opus, Mr Marx, Karl, did not
foresee this conclusion, you have seen a good deal of
the evidence, not knowing it evidence, is monumentum
look about you, look, if you can, at St Peter’s
Look at the Manchester slums, look at Brazilian coffee
or Chilean nitrates. This case is the first case
Si requieres monumentum?
This case is not the last case or the whole case, we ask a
REVISION, we ask for enlightenment in a case
moving concurrent, but this case is the first case:
Bank creates it ex nihil. Creates it to meet a need,
Hic est hyper-usura. Mr. Jefferson met it:
No man hath natural right to exercise profession
of lender, save him who hath it to lend.
Replevin, estopple, what wangle which wangle, VanBuren met it.
Before that was tea dumped into harbour, before that was a
great deal still in the school books, placed there
NOT as evidence.  Placed there to distract idle minds,
Murder, starvation and bloodshed, seventy four red revolutions
Ten empires fell on this grease spot.
’I rule the Earth’ said Antoninus ’but LAW rules the sea’
meaning, we take it, lex Rhodi, the Law Maritime
of sea lawyers.
usura and sea insurance
wherefrom no State was erected greater than Athens.
Wanting TAXES to build St Peter’s, thought Luther beneath
civil notice,
1527. Thereafter art thickened. Thereafter design went to hell,
Thereafter barocco, thereafter stone-cutting desisted.
’Hic nefas’ (narrator) ’commune sepulchrum.’
19 years on this case/first case. I have set down part of
The Evidence. Part/commune sepulchrum
Aurum est commune sepulchrum. Usura, commune sepulchrum.
helandros kai heleptolis kai helarxe.
Hic Geryon est. Hic hyperusura.
FIVE million youths without jobs
FOUR million adult illiterates
15 million ’vocational misfits’, that is with small chance for jobs
NINE million persons annual, injured in preventable industrial
One hundred thousand violent crimes. The Eunited States ov
3rd year of the reign of F. Roosevelt, signed F. Delano, his uncle.
CASE for the prosecution. That is one case, minor case
in the series/Eunited States of America, a.d. 1935
England a worse case, France under a foetor of regents.
’Mr Cummings wants Farley’s job’ headline in current paper.

E.P. speaking. That’s the end of Canto 46.

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#5: December 7, 1941 — “THOSE PARENTHESES”

Europe callin’, Pound speakin’.  Ezry Pound speakin’.  And I think I am perhaps still speakin’ a bit more TO England than to the United States of America but you folks may as well hear it.  They say an Englishman’s head’s made of wood, and the American head made of watermelon.  Easier to git something INTO the American head, but nigh impossible to make it stick there for ten minutes.

Of course I don’t know what GOOD I am doin’, I mean what IMME DIATE good.  But something you folks on both side of the wretched ocean will have to learn, war or no war, sooner or later.

Now what I had to say about the state of MIND in England in 1919, I said in my Cantos (14 and 15).  Some of your theosophists and fancy thinkers would have called it the spiritual state of England.  I am content to say state of mind.

I can’t say my remarks were heeded.  I thought I had got ’em simple enough.  Words short and simple enough.  In fact some people complained that several of ’em contained no more than 4 or 5 letters (some less).

Now I hold NO Catholic has ever been or ever will be puzzled by what I said in those Cantos.  I have, however, never asked for sympathy when misunderstood.  I go on trying to make my meanin’ clear and then clearer.  And in the LONG run people who listen to me (very few do, but members of that small and SElect minority) do know more in the long run, than those who listen to Mr. H.G. chubby Wells and the liberal stooges.

What I am gitting at is, a friend said to me the other day that he was glad I had the politics I have got, but that HE didn’t understand how I, as a North American, United Stateser could have it.

Well that looks simple to me.  Things OFTEN DO look simple to me.  On the CONfucian system that if you start right, and then go on, start at the root and move upward, the pattern often is simple, whereas if you start constructin’ from the twig downward, you get into a muddle.

My politics seem to me SIMPLE.  My idea of a state OR an empire is more like a hedge hog or porcupine, chunky and well defended.  I don’t cotton to the idea of my country being an octopus WEAK in the tentacles and sufferin’ from stomach ulcers and chronic gastritis.

I wish Brother Hoover had spilled his facts about the stinking and rotten Treaty of Versailles while he was still in the White House.  But I am glad he has done so now.  Tho’ he could also confess his OWN errors and aid even now to acceleratin’ the United States of America welfare.

Anyhow, I have, in principle, NO objection to the U.S. absorbin’ Canada and the whole NORTH American continent.

The rot of the British Empire is from inside, and if the whole of that syphilitic organization, headed by Montagu Skinner Norman, makes war on Canada, or Alberta, I see no reason for Canada not making war on the Jews in London.  Whether they are born Jews, or have taken to Jewry by predilection.

What I am ready to fight AGAINST is havin’ ex-European Jews making another peace worse than Versailles, with a new two dozen Danzigs.  Namely the United States bein’ left with war baby bases in Aberdeen, Singapore, Dakar, South Africa, and the Indian Ocean! All draggin’ the tail of their coat, and making dead mathematically sure of another war for Dupont, Vickers, Mond, Melchett, Beit, Ellermann in ten or fifteen years after the present one (present war).  And to that end Roosevelt, Morgenthau, Lehman are working, day and night, not to mention the Warburgs.  And precisely on the subject of Warburgs, I wish Herb Hoover would say MORE about the stink of Versailles.

God knows I have loathed Woodie Wilson, and I don’t want to see more evil done to humanity than was done by Woodrow codface.  And the sooner all America and ALL England wake up to what the Warburgs and Roosevelt are up to, the better for the next generation and this one.

And as an American I do NOT want to see my country annihilatin’ the population of Iceland, as the British annihilated the Maoris.  And as for the Australians, they deserve a Nippo-Chinese invasion.  Criminals were their granddads, and their contribution to civilization is not such as to merit even a Jewish medal.  Why the heck the Chinese and laps don’t combine and drive that dirt out of Australia, and set up a bit of civilization in those parts, is for me part of the mystery of the orient.

And in any case I do NOT want my compatriots from the ages of 20 to 40 to go git slaughtered to keep up the Sassoon and other British Jew rackets in Singapore and in Shanghai.  That is not my idea of American patriotism.  We are gittin’ on for the centenary of the opium war, that never did any good to the lads of Lancashire or of Sussex, and that brought no prosperity in Dorset or Gloucester.

Hardy’s England, aye, aye sir, where is it ?  Did Rothschild save it ?  He did not.  Did the Goldsmid save it ?  He did not.  Does Churchill endeavor to save it ?  He does NOT.  I repeat the rot and stink of England, and the danger to her empire is inside, and has been: from the time of Cobbett.

And NO number of Rabbis and bank touts in Wall Street and in Washington can do one damn thing for England, save let her alone.  And a damn pity they didn’t start doin’ sooner.  That is a pity for England.

And a peace with American war bases all over the whole of the planet would be no more a real peace than Versailles was.  And as to all visible signs Roosevelt is MORE in the Jew’s hands than Wilson was in 1919.  I am against havin’ him mixin’ into ANY post-war matters whatever.  This objectin’ being academic.

An’ I think it would be well for ALL men, from China to Capetown to SEE as soon as possible what Franklin is up to.  Let him keep his paws on the North American continent.  Even if it means DIMinished gun sales for all his pals, and for all gold-bugs.

Eight years ago he was sayin’ “nothin to fear but fear.” Well what has become of THAT Roosevelt ?  What has he done for three years but try to work up a hysteria on that basis ?  He got his face into a paper called Life, eight or ten photographs.  Jim Farley would have been less nuisance in the White House than snob Delano, who objected to Farley NOT on moral or ethical grounds, but PURELY as snobism; didn’t want a mere henchman to succeed him.

And as to American labor.  When will American labor start lookin’ into the currency question ?  “Question,” of course there ought not to be any INTERROGATIVE element in it.  Even a hod carrier OUGHT to be able to learn why interest payin’ debt is NOT so good a basis for money as is productive labor.

But will they ?  Will the American hod carrier and skilled engineer (includin’ Mr. Hoover) ever git round to the currency issue ?  (I call it issue, not question.)

And will the American big employer or financier, except Baruch, ever start studyin’ the solution of HIS problem, which is a corporate solution, in the sense of that word now current in Europe ?

A CORPORATE problem, or issue, which does NOT mean starving the workman, or breakin’ him up by scab mobs.

Lord knows I don’t SEE how America can have fascism without years of previous trainin’.  Looks to me, even now as if the currency problem was the place to start savin’ America.  As I have been sayin’ for some time back, call it ten years or call it twenty.  At this moment it looks like as if John Lewis would take just as long to git round about feedin’ my books to his troops, as it would take the Harvard faculty to git Mr. William G. Morse’s permission to use ’em in Harvard (Economics Department).

Both sides will have to come to it.

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